To say that The Hows and Whys of Level Design is a great book would be an understatement. In fact, it is in a class all it's own -- in my opinion. Written by Sjoerd "Hourences" De Jong, a veteran to the game industry as a level designer, the book covers all of the fundamentals of what makes a good level: spanning from basic color theory and the color temperature of lights to the psychology of what makes a fun map. While reading the book I had a lot of inspiration to apply the said techniques to my own work. Perhaps the best feature of the book is that it accommodates to the more artistic side of level design. I know that gap between level design and environment art is widening, but I feel that a level designer without an artistic background is limited in the emotional and creative side of designing gameplay experiences. I recommend this book to anyone remotely interested in the art of level design!
Here is a link to Hourence's community site and book purchase: