I am currently working on a level for Unreal in my class. The other day we had to draw up bubble diagrams: which are node-based layouts in which events are simplified in the form of descriptive text with bubbles drawn around them. Each subsequent event or notable area (such as weapon pickups, health stations, npcs, etc.) are linked to the pertaining bubble. When all the bubbles are linked together they form a crazy-looking diagram. The Areas of more importance in the level are proportionately bigger than the smaller areas. With the simple bubble diagram layout, I drew up a basic floorplan sketch for my level and then refined in photoshop. I am building the level in 3DS Max and have imported most of it into Unreal 3 (no textures, yet); the green boxes are player references (96x64x64 px).
Here are some assets that I have created that can be placed anywhere in the scene.

I can't wait to see the final product. Stay Tuned!